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Book News: City of Lost Souls (Mortal Instruments Book 2) Cover Revealed!
January 5, 2012
The Mortal Instrument Series will release its 5th installment on May 8, 2012.For the first time, the book cover of the Mortal Instrument Series shows the actual face of the "characters".
But with this cover featuring the main pair of the story, who will be in the cover for book 6: City of Heavenly Fire?
Meanwhile, aside from this interesting cover of book 6, Clare also released the prologue of the book. What a torture! May 6, please be here, NOW!
Simon stood and stared numbly at the front door of his house.
He'd never known another home. This was the place his parents had brought him home to when he was born. He had grown up within the walls of the Brooklyn row house. He'd played on the street under the leafy shade of the trees in the summer, and had made improvised sleds out of garbage can lids in the winter. In this house his whole family had sat shivah after his father had died. Here he had kissed Clary for the first time.
Category Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls, Mortal Instruments

"The Secret Worlds Teens Hide From Adults" by Cassandra Clare
January 3, 2011
Here's an essay written by Casandra Clare (author of Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices Series) about teenagers' fascination and love for Young Adult Fantasy Books.
Between Platform 10 and Platform 9 in King’s Cross train station is Platform 9 ¾, which can be reached only by magic.
Somewhere near the town of Forks, Washington, the woods are full of vampires and werewolves.
Opening the door of an ordinary wardrobe takes you to a world where it is always winter and never Christmas.
Being a teenager is being caught between two worlds, occupying a liminal space where you’re not quite a child and not quite an adult. The concept of adolescence is a modern one — in earlier times, teenagers would be marrying, fighting and dying like adults, and today’s teens yearn for that adult power (making your own decisions!), while at the same time being afraid of it (enormous responsibilities come with adulthood). These days, adolescence is considered training wheels for adulthood, a time through which you must be guided and protected from too much autonomy.
But like any other training wheels, the training wheels of adolescence are irksome and teens can’t wait to get rid of them — to get on that bike and ride. The category of young adult fantasy books reflects that tension. In many YA fantasies, there is a hidden world, usually secret from ordinary people and most adults, where magic reigns and the kids are the ones with the power.
Category Cassandra Clare, Features

2011 Goodreads Choice Award Winners
December 18, 2011
Congratulations to all the winners of the 2011 Goodreads Choice Awards!
Here are some of the winners:
Favorite Book of 2011
Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction
Best Fiction
Best Fantasy
Best Young Adult Fiction
Best Middle Grade and Children's
Best Goodreads Author
Click here to see the rest of the winners!
Category Goodreads Choice Awards

Book Review: Crossed by Ally Condie
December 11, 2011
9:50 AM
In search of a future that may not exist and faced with the decision of
who to share it with, Cassia journeys to the Outer Provinces in pursuit
of Ky - taken by the Society to his certain death - only to find that he
has escaped, leaving a series of clues in his wake.
Cassia's quest leads her to question much of what she holds dear, even as she finds glimmers of a different life across the border. But as Cassia nears resolve and certainty about her future with Ky, an invitation for rebellion, an unexpected betrayal, and a surprise visit from Xander - who may hold the key to the uprising and, still, to Cassia's heart - change the game once again. Nothing is as expected on the edge of Society, where crosses and double crosses make the path more twisted than ever.
Cassia's quest leads her to question much of what she holds dear, even as she finds glimmers of a different life across the border. But as Cassia nears resolve and certainty about her future with Ky, an invitation for rebellion, an unexpected betrayal, and a surprise visit from Xander - who may hold the key to the uprising and, still, to Cassia's heart - change the game once again. Nothing is as expected on the edge of Society, where crosses and double crosses make the path more twisted than ever.
The second book of the 'Matched Trilogy' takes us on a new journey with Cassia and Ky: the distance they are willing to cross to find each other and what draws the line that even their love won't allow them to cross.
Alternately written in Cassia and Ky's perspective, the book lets its readers into the private thoughts of Cassia and Ky. The second installment finally gives its readers a glimpse of who Ky really is: his family history, his thoughts on the rebellion, his real feelings for Cassia and even his fears and insecurities. For Cassia, we can finally see (and she finally discovered as well) how strong and determined she is, in finding love and in finding the light.
'Crossed' might not be the action-packed novel that many have thought it would be, but in its own right, it is a beautifully written book. The writing is astounding - in a way even poetic. You can feel the love, sadness, yearning and struggles of the characters - but not in an overwhelming amount. The dosage is just enough for readers to feel and to understand - even just a bit of an understanding of their past, present and their choice of future.
Ally Condie makes the story more interesting by introducing new characters, new terrains and new territories that show what the society is, what it is not and what it can be.
Crossed by Ally Condie is a must-read, definitely a whole lot better than the first book. It will be a year-long torture waiting for the final installment of the Matched Trilogy. Can't wait!
Ally Condie makes the story more interesting by introducing new characters, new terrains and new territories that show what the society is, what it is not and what it can be.
Crossed by Ally Condie is a must-read, definitely a whole lot better than the first book. It will be a year-long torture waiting for the final installment of the Matched Trilogy. Can't wait!
Category Ally Condie, Book Review, Crossed, Matched Trilogy

Short Book Feedback: Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Eragon is one of my favorite series of all time. The books take me to a new world. The writing and flow of the story is excellent. There are enough twists, drama and happy parts for the readers to be really absorbed and sympathize with the characters. This is a must-read! :)
View all my reviews

City of Bones: Official Synopsis
November 19, 2011
1:17 PM
Here's the official synopsis of City of Bones, starring Lily Collins and Jamie Campbell Bower, based on the best-selling series: Mortal Instruments Book 1: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare:
CLARY FRAY (Lily Collins) is an ordinary Brooklyn teenager until the night she meets the mysteriously tattooed JACE, who turns out to be a half-angel warrior known as a Shadowhunter. When Clary finds out her mother JOCELYN has been abducted, she desperately hopes Jace will be able to help. After a whirling golden portal transports her across time and space in a heartbeat, Clary realizes she too has the powers of the Shadowhunters. But can she harness them in time to save her mother?
Clary, Jace and their fellow Shadowhunters endure one breathtaking battle after another against vampire, warlocks and demons—only to discover Jocelyn hid a terrible secret from the fiercest warrior of all: VALENTINE. Cast out from the world of Shadowhunters, Valentine abducted Jocelyn believing she had a powerful tool known as the Mortal Cup. Using her newfound gifts, Clary finds the Cup, only to be brutally betrayed and forced to relinquish it.
Still reeling from this setback and racing to save Jocelyn before it’s too late, Clary finds herself caught in a battle between forces she barely understands. Based on the best-selling series by Cassandra Clare, THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES is a magnificent urban fantasy rich in detail and suspense, about a girl’s journey to the darkest corners of the underworld to save those she loves.
Looks like it's also be in 3D!
Director Scott Charles Stewart said: "Finally, we’ve got the official synopsis for the feature film adaptation of the popular teen book series The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. The 3D film stars Lily Collins as a girl who is transported to another world when she meets a mysterious half-angel known as a Shadowhunter."
Courtesy of: Collider
Plus! Looks like the script is also done!
Category City of Bones, Mortal Instruments, Movie News

Book News: 'Clockwork Prince' Illegal Early Release in Philippines and Germany
November 13, 2011
8:21 PM
There has been recent news of illegal early release of the 'Clockwork Prince' - second installment to The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (same author of Mortal Instruments) - in Germany and Philippines.
Needless to say, Clare and some fans are outraged. The author tweeted: “That is a big illegal ugly mess and I am not happy about it either,” and added “The publisher should be calling the stores right now and telling them to pull the books off the shelves. Now,”
'Clockwork Prince' is set to hit the stores on December 6, 2011.
courtesy of: TMI Source
Category Book News, Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince, Infernal Devices